niedziela, 6 maja 2012

Once again

I Just had my tracheotomy tube changed, second time in 2 weeks. (normally tube should be changed every three months) it was because of my problems with the foniatric one (which should be better for speaking and in every other matter, than normal one). I had problems with speaking, my throat hurt and I was bleeding to my lungs.
I didn’t want to seat, every move was giving me pain.
Despite that I was terrified of another change I knew that I have to do this to end my problems.

There was some blood getting to my mouth, but now it’s all ok. ;)

I got used to the respirator, venting tube, difference in speaking, even to sucking off. Even to changes in my life style.
The only thing than I didn’t got used to tube changes. It’s always giving me hard time.

But I know that someday even that will be “normal” for me.

People can get used to everything.
Well maybe to almost everything.

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